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Cartoons and movies where used before to educate young children on various subjects. Now Ozobots can be used in education on various levels.

Using Ozobots as a modern tech tool we want to make the connection between the actual technology and life skills that every child needs in life.
We target children aged 8 to 10 years old, from disadvantaged backgrounds with limited access to learning opportunities outside school (e.g. no families or poor parent’s involvement, low income families).

The facilitator will use Ozobots to make the connection between a life skill and the process of making an action through coding. E.g. Ozobot needs to get up everyday to go to school, wash, sleep, behave in social contexts).

20 children will be involved from Scoala Primara Rudeni, sat Rudeni, Ilfov.

We will involve teachers from the primary school that will give us more information about the needs of the targetd children prior to the event and the workshop will be designed according to the identified needs.

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